JS Canvas has the solutions to your industrial fabric problems. We have been serving Northern California since 1944 with custom canvas and vinyl fabric products.
BAGS – Athletic, Coin, Cotton, Duffle, Laundry, Lineman, Mail, Medical, Sports, Tool and Totes
Equipment EnclosureUtility Bag with zipper using 18 oz vinyl Backstop PadsCanopy cover for equipment using Ferrari 502 vinylBannersBarbque Cover using Sunbrella fabricDust Curtain 18 oz fire retardant fabricEquipment cover 18 ounce vinylBarbecue cover using Sunbrella fabric
Dragging Dummies
Striking Dummies
Enclosure Curtains
Wagon Cover
Skylight Cover
Enclosure stationary Walls with Clear PVC
Enclosure stationary Walls
Event Tent Cover
Event Tent Cover
Skylight Mesh Cover
Skylight Mesh Cover
Equipment Enclosure
Equipment Enclosure
Sunbrella Umbrella’s with GraphicsDrop Curtain Enclosure